Forex Expert advisors are big business online and they're the choice of many new traders but traders continue to lose with them - Why?
The problem with Forex Expert Advisors is they don't work and the name is really a contradiction in terms. Any Forex trading system that calls itself an Expert Advisor has probably been developed by someone who hasn't traded or made any money.
But I have seen the track records they make money!
Yes they do but it's never real or verified by an outside source.
Most of these systems simply make up a track record in hindsight, knowing all the highs and lows and that is easy; trading not knowing the closing price is the hard part.
To many traders today, think they can make money without making any effort. By paying a hundred dollars or so, to a so called expert they can get a lifetime income!
If anyone is naïve enough to believe they will win doing the above, they are going to get taught a lesson by the market.
95% of traders lose in Forex trading and only a small minority win, it's obvious that to enter the small minority of winners, you need to make an effort.
Forget these get rich quick trading systems and focus on getting yourself a solid Forex education and you can win. Forex trading is a learned skill and success is open to anyone, you just have to make the effort to learn skills.
Forget Forex Experts and Robots that promise you riches with no effort and a small outlay, you know it's not true! Instead, get the right Forex trading education and mindset and enjoy currency trading success.
Sonia Kristina